Restoration Resource Hub

Download for free all of the documents, contracts and work authorization your business needs. Apex hosts the largest open library of free resources and documentation in the restoration industry

Contracts and Authorizations

Just click and download any of our free documents.

Subcontractor agreement

Unlock the power of seamless collaboration with our free subcontractor agreement template! This essential tool defines clear roles, payment terms, and project timelines between general contractors and subcontractors, ensuring smooth, efficient, and successful project completion every time.

Paint Selection

Make your painting project a breeze with our free paint selection contract! This comprehensive form allows clients to specify and agree on their desired colors, finishes, and areas to be painted, ensuring clarity and satisfaction for a flawless result every time..

Emergency Work Auth

Ensure rapid response and clear communication with our free emergency work authorization form! This vital document allows clients to quickly authorize restoration work in emergency situations, detailing the scope of work, estimated costs, and terms, ensuring prompt and effective action when every second counts.

Misc Selection

Simplify your project planning with our free miscellaneous selection contract! This versatile form lets clients specify and agree on various details and preferences, ensuring all selections are clear and documented for a smooth and successful project execution.

Xactimate Certification Practice Exam

Master your estimates and prep for your certification exam with this practice test.
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Docs Straight From Xactimate

Be armed with the facts on pricing

restoration document
White paper

When they tell you O/P is built into Xactimate Line items

insurance checklist
Pricing Methodology

Get an indepth understanding of how pricing is calculated